NEW DELHI, Dec 21: CPI-M General Secretary Sitaram Yechury has urged the Modi government to do “a re-thinking” vis-a-vis relations with Nepal following the victory of a Communist alliance in parliamentary and provincial elections there.
“The important political development in Nepal should lead to a re-thinking and change in India’s attitude to Nepal,” the Communist Party of India-Marxist said in an editorial in its mouthpiece People’s Democracy. “The Modi government should strive to establish close relations of cooperation based on equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of Nepal.”
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The victory of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) in the elections “is a politically significant development” that “will have its repercussions in South Asia too”, the editorial said.
The Communist alliance has won a decisive majority in Parliament in elections held under the new constitution adopted in September 2015. In the seven provincial assemblies, the Left alliance won a majority in six. “The victory of the Left alliance has caused some unease and misgivings in the Modi government,” the CPI-M said. “The Indian ruling establishment has always sought to treat Nepal as a junior partner within its sphere of influence.”
The CPI-M urged the Modi government to recognize that Nepal would like to maintain cordial relations with both India and China – its two big neighbors. It asked New Delhi not to view Nepal’s decision to cooperate with China’s Belt and Road Initiative with suspicion but work toward strengthening the natural affinity historically and culturally ordained between Nepal and India.